I am an award-winning writer and bestselling author, and I want to use that expertise to help you! My clients have been published in Mental Floss, Midwest Living, Edible, Smithsonian, Hakai, Spoonful, and more. One of them even has a Netflix series in the works based on a piece we worked on together.
As for me, you can find my byline in places like The New York Times, Smithsonian, Playboy, Wired, and National Geographic Traveler. I also have eight books (two cookbooks, five history, one astrology) and tell fortunes with cheese as a practicing tyromancer. Scope my writing work at jenniferbillock.com. Additionally, I teach a food writing class at Writers.com.

How I Can
Help You
1 hr | $150

Coaching covers everything from idea creation and pitch construction to story editing and business management. Clients start with a goal-setting call, then move to a combo of calls and emails as desired. The goal is to turn ideas into published pieces. Focus on magazine, newspaper, and website publishing. No book coaching. Clients invoiced every two weeks through PayPal after the first hour bought here.